
Macloggerdx confirmations
Macloggerdx confirmations

macloggerdx confirmations

Single User License, electronic download $95.00 USD. Racal 6790/GM, Alinco DX-77, Rockwell-Collins HF-2050, Collins/AOR DDS-2A, DZKit SIenna.Ten-Tec Jupiter, Argonaut V, Argonaut VI, Orion, Eagle, RX-320, RX-350, Pegasus, Omni VI, Omni VII.Speed Log for entering old paper log and QSL card data.SWL Schedules, Rig Control and Memory Scanning.Contest Helper with K5ZD call completion and by-band Dupe Checking.Update exisiting log entries with Call Book.QRZ XML, HamCall, HamQTH, QRZCQ and WM7D Call Books.Export to Mac Address Book and Label Printing.Automated eQSL and LoTW Uploads and Confirmations Script.Integrated Real Time Club Log QSO upload.DX Alarms including Band Openings, specififc calls, missing DXCCs.2D and 3D display of DX Cluster Propagation by Band.Export Cabrillo files with Cab-Converter.Exports ADIF, KML, Imports ADIF and MacLoggerDX v3.5+ Logs.Filtered DXCluster spots color coded for worked/confirmed status.Internal databases automatically updated over the Internet.Just like a DXCluster spot, MacLoggerDX will color code the spots to show you if you have worked. Stations heard by WSJT-X or JTDX are automatically converted into ' Spots ' in the MacLoggerDX Spots panel. SQLite super fast data base, 100% Native Cocoa app. MacLoggerDX will instantly show you the worked/confirmed status and Map location of any call heard by WSJT-X or JTDX.Requires OS X 10.6.8+ and Intel 64 bit Processor.Awards Tracking, Band Activity, Schedules, Memories, QSL Generation, ADIF import, export, Club Log integration, eQSL, LoTW Confirmations and much more. MacLoggerDX can also email you when the Bands are open or that rare DX is spotted. Alerting you to rare contacts or Band Openings and looking up, displaying on 2D, 3D and Satellite Maps and logging your contacts to a super fast sql database. It supports close to a hundred radios, automatically tuning to the spots you are interested in, swinging your beam around. Organizing and filtering the spots from your favourite DX Cluster for DXing, Contesting or casual rag-chewing.

Macloggerdx confirmations